Well, the airplane ride was not as bad as I expected but the pain in the butt of trying to get on the plane was actually worse. I personally think that the fact that I cannot travel with a kid under two years old without having to wait in line at the ticket counter is insane. We probably waited 20 minutes just to get our boarding passes! After that, things weren't too bad. Security was not easy, but not too hard. Boarding was no problem. We had the row to ourselves since most people are smart enough to leave the seat between two giants holding a baby empty. Abs had a bottle at takeoff and played the rest of the way. She wiggled a bunch but nothing we couldn't handle. Friday night, we had burgers with the family and then crashed early. On Saturday, we woke up to a wonderful breakfast prepared by my father-in-law and then relaxed most of the day including a dip in the pool. Of course, once again, Abby loved swimming! Our biggest achievement, however, was our first word - "Da Da". I think JB and I both almost fell out of our chairs when she said it since she hasn't exactly been a wordsmith yet. She said it to me but that's totally irrelevant. That night, we had steaks at the house to celebrate Grandma Berger's 89th birthday along with a wonderful chocolate cake. On Sunday, we did just about the same and then headed to Grandma Butler's for a while in the afternoon before she took us to the airport. Heading home was much easier than getting there. No lines at the ticket counter and no lines at security. We waited a while at the gate and then boarded and sat on the first row of the plane. Once again, we had a bottle on take off and played with cups and napkins in between. As we were about to land, the flight attendants commented on how wonderful Abby. They said she was the best baby they had on a flight in days and they even called her "Charming". Of course, I am pretty sure they thought she was charming since she took over their job of greeting everyone on the plane with a big smile! Overall, I would say the trip was a success. This weekend we are driving to the ranch on Saturday and then heading back home on Sunday for Father's Day. Hope that trips goes even better than this one did!
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