Monday, March 1, 2010

Something tells me I'm into Something Good...

Like I said, that's when things changed. I went back to work and got a break from the 24/7 baby routine. Abby was a much happier baby those last couple of weeks I was home and at around 9 weeks, she started sleeping between 5-7 hours a night. My brilliant plan to only work part time my first month back was not so brilliant. I ended up working overtime most of the time because I was so busy. Of course, working did make me appreciate the time I had with her so much more. It also forced us to get into a routine at night and in the mornings.

While we still have our ups and downs, we have things a little more under control. She sleeps through the night most of the time and seems to be a happy camper more often than not. Not much more you can ask for in a 3 month old. Our current issues, however, are getting nap time straightened out and figuring out a way to be able to put her down at night when we need to cook or do stuff around the house. She shows flashes of brilliance (not that I am biased or anything). For example, yesterday, we played her an Abby Cadabby video on JB's iphone about using words and Abby (the one sans the purple hair) watched the first run through very intently and then when Abby (purple haired version) said it was time to do the interactive part, our Abby tried to sing with her. It was so cute!!! Of course about 5 minutes after that, she tried to eat her own toes so maybe she's not exactly Einstein at this point.

She's growing like a weed and that double-edged sword is a big part of my reason for starting this blog. I love my sleep now but also I miss those night of cuddling with my (relatively) tiny baby all night (even if sleeping in that recliner may have destroyed my back permanently). She amazes me everyday with something new and I think I finally understand why being a mom is so great. It is by far the hardest thing I have ever done but its also the best.

Now that everyone is up to date with my life and how I got to where I am, I will start my regular blog about juggling Abby, JB and the stressful occupation I have chosen (I am sure time for myself will come back into the mix - eventually). That's my life these days - Deals & Diapers!

1 comment:

  1. I understand about missing the cuddly baby! This weekend I got to sleep with Betsy for an hour while she napped. I LOVED it but she is so much heavier laying across my body.
